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Carbon Neutral Fuel

Yes, Ampol has tailored its product offering by providing flexibility for customers to offset either 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of your entire fuel use, or you can choice which part of your business you want to apply the product too.

No, the carbon credits will be purchased and issued to Ampol by our offset providers. These carbon credits are then retired in Ampol’s name for the purpose of us being able to offer customers our certified Ampol Carbon Neutral product. 

Eligible Ampol Business-to-Business customers can enquire to purchase carbon offsets through our Ampol Carbon Neutral Fuel program via your existing BM. If you are not currently an Ampol business customer and would like to become one, please contact our Customer Service team via the provided link.

Ampol Carbon Neutral is built on offsets from quality climate action projects that adhere to stringent standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability. All our offset providers adhere to the strict Australian government and international scheme accreditation standards. For more information about GreenCollar visit https://qreencollar.com.au/. 

Ampol’s Carbon Neutral fuel is certified by Climate Active, an initiative backed by the Australian Government. Climate Active certification provides transparent information, which is important for consumers to maintain confidence in carbon neutral certification. Public reporting ensures the public can understand what an organisation has done to achieve carbon neutrality.

Ampol’s Climate Active Product Disclosure Statement is available at https://www.climateactive.org.au/buy-climate-active/certified-members/ampol-limited.